Laveer is an organisation grounded in maintaining high standards in pilotage, reshaping the marine pilotage industry and supporting the regeneration of a strong, competitive, Australian marine industry.
It has developed an Integrated Management System (IMS) to provide guidance to employees and contractors whilst conducting activities on behalf of Laveer, in order to meet, and continually strive to exceed, customer expectations. It includes the requirements of Quality Management standard ISO 9001:2015, Occupational Health & Safety Management standard ISO 45001:2018 and Environmental Management standard ISO 14001:2015.
The CEO and directors provide the leadership for and commitment to the IMS. The Company’s IMS merges its systems, processes, policies and standards to reduce risk, incidents and costs with the ultimate objective of meeting and continually striving to exceed customer expectations sustainably.
Laveer offers an attractive employment package, promoting work/life balance and the opportunity to work for a growing and respected company.